Thread subject: :: Dark Eristalis with "waist"

Posted by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:32

Still another Eristalis. We do have very cold now, Hills nearby has snow on the top . . .

Switzerland, 412 müM, balcony
Date: 14.10.09
Size: about 10mm

It's a very forceful fly, very dark, with the clear parts beside the "Schildchen" it looks like this fly would have a waist. Abdomen has well visible, hard "Abgrenzungen". For me it looks not like any other Eristalis I saw until today.
I have several Eristalis sitting on the flowers, no more moving, I think wating for some degree more, to move again.

Could anyone give me the ID? Thank you!
Regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:38

Posted by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:34


Posted by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:34


Posted by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:35


Posted by Andre on 14-10-2009 19:36

She looks like a real woman.... WAIT! She IS a woman, what a waist! Grin

Eristalis tenax Smile

PS: haven't forgotten your mail!

Posted by Andre on 14-10-2009 19:38

Maybe it is evolution in progress.... finally sexy syrphids to catch Pfft

Posted by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:47

as woman I'm waiting for sexy syrphid-men :-)

She could be yours - she is sitting in the dark night on the white flower on my balcony Pfft

Edited by brigitteu on 14-10-2009 19:48

Posted by phil withers on 14-10-2009 22:44

Now ther'es something you don't see every day: syrphid-men and sexy in the same sentence ! Offhand, I can't think of any...

Posted by Roger Thomason on 14-10-2009 23:02

I'm on my way with a bucket of cold water....just in case it's needed Andrea.Grin

Posted by brigitteu on 15-10-2009 07:47


don't put Andre in cold water :-)

I thought with syrphid-men on a small thing with two wings, 6 legs and a size about 10-12 mm

puuuh, my english is far away from perfect :-)

Posted by phil withers on 15-10-2009 09:45

Yeah, sounds like a good description of Andre...

Posted by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2009 10:04

phil withers wrote:
Yeah, sounds like a good description of Andre...

Particularly the bit about the small thing...Grin

Big disappointment here; Frown

Gone from Romeo and Juliet;
But,soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

To the soliloquy from Hamlet;
To be,or not to be: That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

My Deepest Sympathy Andrea...Grin

Posted by Andre on 15-10-2009 11:24

phil withers wrote:
Yeah, sounds like a good description of Andre...

Do you know me, Philea? Grin

Posted by Roger Thomason on 15-10-2009 12:06

Andre wrote:
phil withers wrote:
Yeah, sounds like a good description of Andre...

Do you know me, Philea? Grin

Andrea it's not Philea, it's Phylis. Pfft


Could be a bit confusing for any new members this, try to keep up.