Thread subject: :: Eristalis rupium?=>E.pseudorupium

Posted by Vladimir Davydov on 19-10-2009 18:58

Help ID please
15 august 2009

Edited by Vladimir Davydov on 20-10-2009 14:34

Posted by Vladimir Davydov on 19-10-2009 19:01

another shot

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 20-10-2009 11:02

No, because rupium has tergites 3 and 4 completely shiny, whereas this one has a dull hind border on those tergites. So that would make it something like picea or pseudorupium, but that's difficult from a picture.

Posted by Menno Reemer on 20-10-2009 14:21

The photo was taken in August, so that would indicate that it's likely to be E. pseudoruopium, as E. picea is a spring species...
Besides, I recall having found a new character for distinguishing females of these two species: in one of the species the shining lateral parts on tergite 2 (which largely overlap with the yellow markings) are connected medially, while in the other species the shining parts are separated by a dull black median part. I can't remember which one was which though, and I don't have my collection here right now to check it. But in this specimen the shining parts on tergite 2 seem to be connected!

Edited by Menno Reemer on 20-10-2009 14:21

Posted by Andre on 21-10-2009 16:59

The shining lateral parts on tergite 2 appear connected in picea.

PS: apparently the correct name for pseudorupium is now obscura...

Edited by Andre on 21-10-2009 17:00