Thread subject: :: Volucella pellucens? -> L. lucorum

Posted by Michael Becker on 19-12-2009 10:11


this 9mm syrphid is from july from a mountain in Austria from about 1700m. It looks a bit like Volucella pellucens, but I am not sure, because the front and the scutum seem much too white. What is it?


Edited by Michael Becker on 20-12-2009 07:40

Posted by Stephen R on 19-12-2009 11:01

My guess would be Leucozona lucorum

Posted by Michael Becker on 20-12-2009 07:04

Thank you for your reply. I will safe the picture as Leucozona lucorum. These species was rather frequent there, but I don't always recognize it.


Posted by Gerard Pennards on 20-12-2009 16:09

Yes, female Leucozona lucorum!

Posted by Andre on 20-12-2009 22:49

I have a certain hunch... somehow I think it is not lucorum, but the twin-species inopinata... But it cannot be proven based on this picture. awkward

Posted by Michael Becker on 21-12-2009 05:56

somehow I think it is not lucorum, but the twin-species inopinata... But it cannot be proven based on this picture. awkward

What is the difference between these two?


Posted by Andre on 21-12-2009 18:06

inopinata: At least lateral edge of T4 with only black hairs, usually black hairs all over T4.
lucorum: T4 with white hairs, if with black hairs, these mainly on the middle of T4, never the sides with all black hairs.

Posted by Michael Becker on 21-12-2009 18:35

Thank you for the explanation, Andre!

Difficult to say. On the uncompressed photos it rather looks like Tergit 4 has white hairs all over. I think I will let it in the L-lucorum-file and write a short notice with a warning in it.


Posted by Andre on 22-12-2009 11:11

That's the best thing to do. Because hunches are usually wrong in my life (Murphy's law Grin ).