Thread subject: :: Parhelophilus versicolor 2 ?

Posted by bonitin on 25-12-2009 12:44

Hi, this one I found on the same day 22nd May in the same area as the previous one but an hour later, so probably another fly..

Posted by blowave on 27-12-2009 16:28

Hello bonitinSmile

In your second pic I think I can see some black hairs on the occiput, if so then it would be Parhelophilus frutetorum I believe.Wink

Is it possible to crop that part of your pic off to bring it closer?


Posted by bonitin on 27-12-2009 17:18

Hi Janet, thanks! Smile

Problem is that these pictures were already very cropped, I had to take the pictures from a big distance, some tall Brambles didn't allow me to come closer Frown
But I cropped as much as I could, hope that will be sufficient.

I do see black hairs in between the eyes on top of the head, but not behind the eyes...?

Posted by blowave on 27-12-2009 17:25

Hmmm, it's a little too difficult to see properly.Wink

I think I can see black hairs going down the middle of the back of the head in your first crop, not sure if that counts though!
Neither of the crops look to be the same pic as the second one, was that one fully cropped?Smile

Posted by bonitin on 27-12-2009 17:37

oooh you're right, must have cropped the wrong picture..
I'll see if I can find the second one back..
What confuses me is that they say a row of black hairs but I don't know if that row is supposed to be vertical or horizontal..

Posted by bonitin on 27-12-2009 17:48

I don't seem to be able to upload another one Frown will try again later..Wink

Posted by Roger Thomason on 27-12-2009 17:59

Picture 2 of luck looking for black hairs

Edited by Roger Thomason on 27-12-2009 18:00

Posted by bonitin on 27-12-2009 19:14

Thanks for cropping that for me Roger! Smile

Posted by bonitin on 28-12-2009 16:50

Could I call this one Parhelophilus versicolor cf. ?
Or is the lack of a row of black hairs on the occiput not enough conclusive ? Smile

Posted by blowave on 28-12-2009 17:21

I personally think Parhelophilus cf. frutetorum, due to the quite widely spaced pale spot at the bottom margin of tergite 3 from the two lateral spots....and I think you would find black hairs on the occiput with a clearer view, but don't take my word for it as I am not so experienced as others.Wink

Posted by bonitin on 28-12-2009 18:19

Thank you very much Janet!Smile