Thread subject: :: Eumerus? -> Eumerus purpurariae
can somebody help to identify this fly?
Thank you, Marion
Canary Islands, Fuerteventura, March 2010
Posted by
Andre on 22-03-2010 20:07
Send it to me please..
(I hope you caught it!). I have to be very careful, but this could maybe be a new species for the Canaries...
I am sorry to say that I did not caught it. So, I cannot send the fly to you. (I photograph and do not collect.)
Posted by
Andre on 26-03-2010 23:19
Na dann... nächstes mal besser
Eumerus purpurariae Baéz, 1982
Incorrectly synonymized with E. etnensis van de Goot, 1964, by Marcos-Garcia & Pérez-Bañón (2000), reinstated by Smit et al. (2004).
Posted by
Andre on 27-03-2010 09:49
I was hoping you came to see this post!
In my papers (like the description by Baez) I read nothing about the reddish spots on T2, while it seems quite clear. That must have caused my confusion.
All specimens clearly have these reddish orange spots on the abdomen. The description by Baéz is indeed puzzling, to say the least...
Posted by
Andre on 27-03-2010 10:28
Thanks! Some re-description somewhere someday would be nice
But must say, that the broadened basotarsa of leg 3 is quite well visible on the pics.
There is no redescription, but I gave a comparison with E. etnensis in my Madeira paper, characterizing both species enough for identification.
Posted by
Andre on 27-03-2010 11:27
Yes, I saw that
Thank you very much!
Difficult to know in advance which specimen are important and require to be collected.