Thread subject: :: Pipiza noctiluca?? Thanks Paul...
Can anyone confirm that this is a Stratiomyid and suggest what genus/ species it is. Maybe a Beris sp?
Wiltshire, southwest UK 4.5.2010
Many thanks Paul. Can't believe how varied Syrphidae are and it didn't hang around long enough to get many clear shots. Will re-post this in the Syrphid section and see if anyone can say more precisely what it is. Pipiza bimaculata looks the closest form online photos based on the extent of white markings on abdomens of males and wing pattering, but I don't know how reliable/variable these characters are.
I've been informed by a knowledgeable correspondent on the Hoverfly Recording Scheme site that this is more likely (but not certainly..) to be P. noctiluca as the front and middle legs have some yellow on, while P. bimaculatus has all black legs.
A better photo, with clearer leg colours. Maybe P.noctiluca.
Probably, but never sure from a picture...
OK, many thanks. Just as I thought. A UK expert is helping to confirm ID on my Pipizas as they aren't well recorded where I live, so I may know for sure soon.