Thread subject: :: Eristalis from East Turkey

Posted by Cesa on 31-05-2010 18:44

An Eristalis? species from East Turkey needs identification.
Thanks a lot.

Posted by Galeodes33 on 02-06-2010 09:53

Jes, it really does look like an Eristalis. By the way amazing pictureSmile!

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 02-06-2010 12:02

Eristalis tenax

Posted by Galeodes33 on 02-06-2010 15:08

Isn't it more yelllow?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 03-06-2010 15:39

Looks can be deceiving, it's hairs on the eyes are visible and look to be in rows, but they are not! Probably an photo effect.
This is a female Eristalis alpina, you can see the heavily dusted front part of the thorax in comparison with the much less dusted hind part!

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 03-06-2010 15:39

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 03-06-2010 18:08

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Looks can be deceiving, it's hairs on the eyes are visible and look to be in rows, but they are not! Probably an photo effect.
This is a female Eristalis alpina, you can see the heavily dusted front part of the thorax in comparison with the much less dusted hind part!

hmm. Yes, looks can be deceiving many times.
Gerard do you think that the absense of broad black patch on the wings characteristic for female of E. alpina is also photo effect?


Posted by Cesa on 03-06-2010 18:13

Many thanks Gentlemen!