Thread subject: :: Leucozona lucorum with dark abdomen?
Posted by
nick upton
on 13-06-2010 21:40
Can anyone say what this is? Looks like a L. lucorum (and I saw/photographed several nearby), but there is no white on the abdomen. Can they be this dark, or is this something else?
c 9mm Wiltshire 12.6.10
Edited by
nick upton
on 13-06-2010 21:41
Posted by
Lukasz Mielczarek
on 13-06-2010 21:53
Leucozona lucorum
Posted by
nick upton
on 13-06-2010 21:58
OK many thanks Lukasz. I thought it had to be, as everything else looked right, but didn't know they could be so dark.