Thread subject: :: Is this a BOMBYLIIDAE and if so which one?

Posted by nick smith on 24-06-2010 14:52

Hi, photographed this yesterday in the S E of England. We have a couple of variagated Euonymus bushes just coming into flower and I want to record as many of the species that I can that visit it. Could anyone help with the identifactions of the diptera please? This one was about the 12 -15 mm in length and made a very loud buzzing noise when flying (not unlike an inflated but untied balloon being let go!)
Thanks (there will be more to follow!)

Edited by nick smith on 24-06-2010 15:12

Posted by ChrisR on 24-06-2010 15:32

Syrphidae - Merodon equestris (a common species in gardens - numerous color forms - larvae feed on bulbs) Smile

They are often referred to as 'bee flies' or 'bee mimic flies' but that doesn't make them a bee-fly (Bombylidae) Wink

Posted by nick smith on 24-06-2010 18:16

Thanks Chris, looked up your suggestion on and the photos there are very similar, so thanks for the info.

Posted by ChrisR on 24-06-2010 19:38

We have a pretty good Gallery here too so if you are ever stuck then try that first Smile