Found this one passing the time of day with a
P.manicatus in my garden this afternoon. Is it
E.similis? Not on my checklist if it is.
Posted by
conopid on 30-06-2010 18:53
Nice find Roger. Wil you be sending the record into the Hoverfly Recording Scheme? I think this would prove to be a very interesting record in the UK
Thanks for confirming Andre
Hi Nigel, funny you should mention it, but I've just emailed Stuart Ball a few minutes ago. Seems this is a bit of a rarity in the UK according to the HRS Website;
Imaging a pair of them turning up in the only garden in Shetland that the owner is interested in flies....what are the odds?
Might have to buy a Lottery Ticket this week for the first time...odds are about the same or even less for hitting the Jackpot I would think.
Regards Roger
Edit. Might even get a red dot on the map..