Thread subject: :: larvae and ant

Posted by elck on 20-05-2005 21:01

This larvae was eating aphids but the ants didn't seem to mind.

The ants are Formica cunicularia
I was told that the fly is a Dasysyrphus

Is that correct?
Does anyone know about the relationship between the ants and the fly?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-05-2005 21:06

elck wrote:
Does anyone know about the relationship between the ants and the fly?

I think they both profit from the aphids: the ants by collecting honeydew straight from the source and the the larvae frustrate that by eating the source. Wink

Posted by elck on 20-05-2005 21:12

I know that coccinellidae are chased away by ants, but they seem to tolerate the fly larvae.
It even looked like they were feeding aphids to it.
But that is probably just my interpretation.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 20-05-2005 21:16

Keep on making observations. Maybe you are on to something...Wink