In Southern France I collected a male Pipizella this summer. It is certainly pipizella: 3rd antennae segment elongate and in wing vein tm perpendicular to vein R4+5
It has unfamiliar genitalia, so I can not identify it with the Key of van Veen.
Today I found out I can make (crap) pictures through my microscope.
See the genitalia in the picture: the epandrium arms are very long and slender. It is most reminicent to P. viduata, but when comparing this one with viduata in my collection the arms are way longer and the epandrium itself less rounded.
Anybody an Idea?
Hm, indeed, it has a long hair fringe on tibia 3 as well.
However, it seems the have a less square epandrium compared to the plate in the van Veen book.
Sooner or later I will ask someone to check it, for the time being I might call it a possible virens.