Thread subject: :: Gordon's Thai Syrphids 002

Posted by Gordon on 18-08-2010 12:52

This one was on the 13th, lucky Friday. On the edge of a rice paddy on the NE side of Chiang Rai, where I live. Sadly it was shy, and nervous and this was the only shot I got.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 21-08-2010 21:28

A male Dideopsis sp., but I have to look in my books for the species.
Maybe I'll come back to it.
Ah yes, it is a male of Dideopsis pura (Curran)

Edited by Gerard Pennards on 21-08-2010 21:45

Posted by Gordon on 30-08-2010 13:58

Amazing Gerard, is there a book on the syrphids of Thailand, or SE Asia. Thanks for the ID by the way, very welcome. Sadly almost constant rain has reduced my time out in the field, plus I have a full-time job nowawkward, so I haven't seen it again.Sad

Edited by Gordon on 30-08-2010 14:01

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 30-08-2010 14:19

Hey Gordon,
Nope, unfortunately there is no such book! You have to gather all kinds of loose publications on the subject, and luckily for me I also have some unpublished stuff from some people.
In that case you sometimes can find the right name, like here!
But a specimen would be better, so if you can bring me some syrphids from there..... GrinGrin

Posted by Andre on 03-09-2010 18:40

Gerard is going to write a nice book on the Syrphidae of Mianmar, aren't you? GrinGrinGrin

Posted by Gordon on 07-09-2010 11:37

Thanks Gerard if you have a real interest in Thai syrphids see my thread in the lounge.