Thread subject: :: Platycheirus female

Posted by blowave on 20-08-2010 21:28


I can't find this one, the spots at the top of the abdomen are very big.

Taken on 16th August feeding on Achillea in my garden, south of Lincoln UK. Woodlands and heathlands type location.

Help appreciated.

Two pics

Janet Smile

Posted by blowave on 20-08-2010 21:28

pic 2

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 21-08-2010 21:48

Most obvious candidate is a female Platycheirus peltatus, but there is a P. nielseni that looks very much like this one.
But that species is rare.

Posted by blowave on 22-08-2010 01:35

Thanks Gerard, as I have P. peltatus male that seems to be the most obvious. However, I am finding a lot of Platycheirus species this year!

P. nielseni isn't so rare here.. so what is you instinct on this one? Smile


Posted by Andre on 27-08-2010 10:12

The shape of tibia 2 suggests P. peltatus.

Posted by blowave on 27-08-2010 15:26

Andre wrote:
The shape of tibia 2 suggests P. peltatus.

I have seen this, along with the male 'P. nielseni' for several days and at times on the same flowers, I have more pics so I'll see if I can find a better view of the mid tibia.

I have had another female which looks to have smaller 'spots' or patches at the top of the abdomen, so I was wondering if that was P. peltatus. The spots also looked a little more orange than this one. I might post that one too for comparison.