Nothing coordinated has been published about the
maculata group in thye last decades. A few papers have been published about the remainder of
Leptempis. This is what I have concocted:
Provisional key to the species of the
Empis (Leptempis) maculata group based on the key in Die Fliegen der Paläarktische Region and the later description of
afipsiensis (Shamshev & Kustov, 2007).
1. Coxae dusted grey. Six scutellar setae (B, NL, D, CS, A, USSR: CET)...
variegata Meigen, 1804
- Coxae yellow. Four-six scutellar setae...2
2. Cross veins, tips of longitudinal veins and wing tip itself darkened. Third antennal segment black. Aedeadus slender with basal swelling...3
- Wing markings only along the apical margin of the wing. Third antennal segment yellowish at base. Aedeagus without basal swelling...8
3. Abdominal venter black...4
- Abdominal venter yellowish...5
4. Third antennal segment yellowish at base. Eight mm or less (I, BG, GR)...
adusta Loew, 1869
- Third antennal segment entirely dark. Almost 9 mm or more (Caucasus)...afipsiensis Shamshev & Kustov, 2007
Note: The size criterion did not seem to apply to an adusta specimen from Greece.
5. Wing base rusty yellow (CE, Mediterranean)...
confusa Loew, 1865
- Wing base brownish or greyish...6
6. Cross veins indistinctly darkened (BG)...
rava Loew, 1862
- Cross veins with distinct markings...7
7. Proboscis dark brown (YU)...
gaigeri Gercke, 1886
- Proboscis yellow...8
8. All coxae with black dot (D, CS, A, H, F, I, YU)...
maculata Fabricius, 1781
Coxae all yellow (Sicily, TR)...
affinis Egger, 1860
9. Wing tip darkened. (USSR: TC [Ge])...
apicalis Loew, 1865
- Resembling previous species but distinguished by shape of the male genitalia and by almost complete lack of darkening at the wing tip. (GR)...
macra Loew, 1867