Posted by
Gerris on 19-09-2006 20:05
Hello I am new on this forum and I have a question:
I am an photographer/illustrator and the main subject I am focussing on is the Diptera.
I am planning to make an illustration of different species of fly-larvae living in nests of wasps.
I chose to go for a nest of Vespula vulgaris with it's Dipteran inhabitants.
What I am looking for is one or more pictures (scientific)illustration(s) and/or photographs of larvae from Volucella-species (except V. inflata) to use as an example for my illustration.
(I am also looking for pictures of larvae from other families but I don't think here is the right place to ask for them.)
I would be glad if someone could help me out. If you have some interesting pictures for me, you can post them here but you can also sent them to
kind regards