Posted by
jonas on 04-01-2011 15:34
i found no similar thread elsewhere, so i start a new one...
I am pretty interested in coastal flies (so diptera really to be found on the high water line, coastal defence mechanism, buoys...)
At the beach, many specific species can be found, are there additions to the ones mentioned beneath? Or are there species mentioned which can be found in other habitats?
Aphrosylus celtiber (common)
Aphrosylus ferox
Scellus notatus (common, more inland)
Chersodromia arenaria
Chersodromia hirta
Chersodromia incana
Chersodromia speculifera
Fucellia maritima (common)
Fucellia tergina
Some species, but which ones?
Scatella tenuicosta for brakish waters...
Helcomyza ustulata (common)
Heterocheila buccata (rather common)
Ceratinostoma ostiorum??
Scathophaga litorea
Orygma luctuosum
Almost all species?
Coelopa pilipes?
Coelopa frigida
Thank you allready.
Bye, Jonas
Dear Jonas
The Chironomidae of the subfamily Telmatogetoninae (genera Thallasomyia and Telmatogeton) are inhabitants of the marine intertidal to offshore windparks!
see: Sunose, T. & Fujisawa, T. 1982. ecological studies of the intertidal chironomid Telmatogeton japonicus Tokunaga in Hokkaido. Res. Popul. Ecol. 24:70-84. and recently also Raunio et al (2009) in
Also (some) Ephydra species (Ephydridae) can be found in salt water. I know of only one paper: Krivosheina, M.G. (2003). To the biology of flies of the genus Ephydra Fallén, 1810 with the descriptions of larvae of seven Palaearctic species (Diptera:Ephydridae). Russian Entomol.J. 12 (1):79-86.
If necessary I can send you the papers (PDF).
The following species were also known (confined to) from haline/brackish waters alongthe coast (from literature records only, unless otherwise stated):
Chironomidae (also based on own records except for Clunio): some Procladius sp., Clunio marinus, Cricotopus ornatus, Halocladius varians, H. variabilis, Psectrocladius ventricosus, Chironomus aprillinus, C. halophilus, C. salinarius, Glyptotendipes barbipes, Microchironomus deribae, Tanytarsus gracilentus (not exclusively marine)
Culicidae: perhaps Anopheles atroparvus?
Limoniidae: Dicranomyia modesta, D. sera, D. ventralis, D. unicolor
Dolichopodidae: Dolichopus nubilus, Hydrophorus oceanicus, Hygrocoleuthes sp., Machaerium maritimum, Rhaphium consobrinum
Stratiomyidae: Nemoteles notatus, N. uliginosus
Syrphidae; Eristalinus aeneus
Tabanidae: Atylotus latistriatus (I have found the larva underneath grassrooths on the dike bordering a tidal zone (Land van Saefthinge,NL), so probably not aquatic.; Haematopota bigoti, Hybomitra expollicata (found the larva in a salty ditch)