Thread subject: :: Pipiza?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-06-2005 00:25


This male syrphid I photographed yesterday here in Ostwestfalen/Germany near a forest. Is it a Pipiza species? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-06-2005 07:29

With the nob on the face in the lower picture it is clear it cannot be Pipiza. This is a species of Cheilosia (maybe variablilis but I venture on thin ice here). Gerard might be able to tell, but he is on his way to France and may not be able to reply for a while. We'll see. Wink

Posted by Juergen Peters on 02-06-2005 17:42

Hello, Paul!

Paul Beuk wrote:
With the nob on the face in the lower picture it is clear it cannot be Pipiza. This is a species of Cheilosia (maybe variablilis but I venture on thin ice here).

Thank you!