Thread subject: :: Scaptomyza paper

Posted by Tony Irwin on 21-02-2011 23:28

Has anyone got a PDF of Hackmann's 1959 "On the genus Scaptomyza Hardy with descriptions ... " Annls zool. fenn. 97: 1-73 ?
Or a scan of any pages in it which mention S.vittata ?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-02-2011 07:57

I should be able to send it to you later today. Just one question: does the Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica book on Drosophilidae not help you with whatever wuestion it is that you have?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-02-2011 09:37

It helps a bit - but I wanted more information on the distribution of vittata outside the Americas - I believe it occurs in the Canaries, possibly the Azores, but Fauna Europaea also suggests it occurs in the Near East - I've no idea where. We have a glasshouse record from Britain.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-02-2011 12:07

Tha Scandinavia book hardly helps in that respect. I just emailed you a pdf of Hackman's 1959 paper.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-02-2011 15:17

Many thanks, Paul