Thread subject: :: How can I find?

Posted by Sara21392 on 24-02-2011 12:49

Dear friends
I need to this book for complete my project about Chloropid flies:
Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on Chloropidae (Diptera) with special reference to Old World genera, Andersson, H. 1977
But I couldn't find it!!
Would you please advice me? How can I find it?
Before thank you very much


Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-02-2011 14:30

I only have my own copy. There are at least two options for buying it:

Posted by Sara21392 on 24-02-2011 17:33

Dear Paul
Thank you very much for your lead Smile but now I don’t have any credit cards Sad, Is there another way till I can pay off for this book via account number? Is there any site or something like that?
I’ll so thanks to you for your lead! Smile

Edited by Sara21392 on 24-02-2011 17:34