Thread subject: :: What should I do?

Posted by Sara21392 on 25-04-2011 22:07

Hi all
I have a problem!
When I put some of my samples into the 70% alcohol, sometimes developed fungus on them!! Frown
How can I clean them? Is there any way??
I'll so thanks for your advice! Smile

Posted by Tony Irwin on 25-04-2011 23:35

If they have developed fungus, then cleaning them with fine forceps may be the easiest way. But I'm surprised that they have developed fungus in 70% alcohol. Are you sure that is the concentration? Remember that putting a large number of flies into 70% alcohol will lower the concentration, as the body fluids dilute it.

Posted by Sara21392 on 26-04-2011 09:24

Hi Tony! Thanks a lot for your advise. Smile
According your advice, I guess either alcohol was evaporated and my container had a problem or, water had a problem. After this problem I put my samples into the 96% alcohol.
I tried, to separating fungus from those body by forceps, but their body damaged. awkward
I thought there are some ways or some materials for clean them...
Therefore I think there isn't any way for repair samples, at least so far!!!!? Frown
However, I'm so thanks to you for your attention and your advise. Smile

Edited by Sara21392 on 26-04-2011 09:27