Posted by
eguzki on 16-10-2006 09:12
eguzki wrote:
This is a very common sp. in my home garden. Despite this fact, I cannot ID it well. My guess is this fly is an Eristalis sp. Can you ID exactly it?
There is another picture from this fly:
Posted by
eguzki on 17-10-2006 09:25
pierred wrote:
E. arbustorum, with those thin whitish strips?
Hello Pierre,
What about those whitish strips? Are they strange?
They are not strange at all.
E arbustorum often has these stripes, but so do one or two other
Eristalis spp. Where I live in England,
E arbustorum usually has two generations a year and the earlier ones will be brightly marked with tawny golden patches on abdomen and the later ones (this time of year) have rich dark brown almost black abdomens with fine white stripes. This year though, we had a lot of the white striped ones in the summer too. Do you have a picture showing the face front on - that might be helpful. I would have to check my books to be sure of ID though - other forum members will know better than me.