Thread subject: :: Literature useful for Diptera in northern Norway

Posted by Geir79 on 14-07-2011 21:42

Have been searching the forum for previous threads about literature covering Diptera in northern Scandinavia, but could not find anything (?). The place I live in is at 67 degrees north (Bodø, northern Norway), is there any literature covering all species this far north?

Not sure which families looks most interesting, seems that most of the species I observe are Muscidae or Anthomyiidae, but seems like these are complicated families...? Would be nice to be able to identify these to family at least, most of my unidentified species are likely in these families (only 6-7 species not identified to family till now, not posted these yet in the forum).
Already have litterature covering Syrphidae (Nationalnyckeln), are there any other books that are recommended? Don't have much experience with identifying Diptera, certainly not to species-level.

My interests in insects are very general, have tried to find literature for Dytiscidae and Tenthredinidae, but books for these families are very expensive (often more than 100 euros, think that's a little too much!). And also very complicated, with few illustrations... Like books with lots of illustrations, and best if it's in colours too (easier to ID from photos). Even if I bring specimens home, I still photograph them, don't have any good microscopes or similar.

Edited by Geir79 on 16-07-2011 21:33

Posted by Geir79 on 15-07-2011 11:34

If I had to choose, I think Muscidae and Tipulidae will be most interesting for me Smile Any literature that covers these families? Are there any keys available online for genus Calliphora of Calliphoridae?

Edited by Geir79 on 16-07-2011 21:33

Posted by Gunnar M Kvifte on 16-07-2011 11:44

The best family key for Europe is Pjotr Oosterbroek's The European families of Diptera - Identification, Diagnosis, Biology. It costs 608 NOK from, but it is worth it! You can also get a long way with D. Unwin's 1981 key to families, available here.

Many of the books in the excellent Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica series are partly available through Google Books. Knut Rognes' book covers the Scandinavian Calliphoridae. Not all the pages are available online, though.

The Manual of Nearctic Diptera is available online too, and is an excellent resource for most Diptera groups. It is, however, focused on North America and does thus lack many typical European forms; it is also not completely up-to-date in terms of names and systematics.

I hope that the Contributions towards a Manual of Palearctic Diptera will be available online at some point of time as well.

Viss du fangar nokre Psychodidae er eg interessert i å sjå på dei.

Edited by Gunnar M Kvifte on 16-07-2011 11:50

Posted by Geir79 on 16-07-2011 19:40

Thanks for references to literature, didn't know about these. Think I should take a look at this later (especially the book by P. Oosterbroek, think it sounds interesting). Have only photographed a few Psychodidae, not collected any.

Edited by Geir79 on 16-07-2011 21:34