Thread subject: :: Therevidae, Acrosanthe...
Some days ago at the dune beach at Tarragona province...
another from the same beach some days later...
The last ones is an Acrosathe sp. not sure about the other, but seems a female.
I found again the whitish Therevidae at the same beach, today, I use to found it,...but...
...I have also photographied the female laying a big egg...
and has been laying the egg during some minutes...
l made a small video also, if required...
Reading "New faunisting data of the genus Acrosanthe Irving & Lyneborg, 1981 in Spain (Diptera: Therevidae)" by Miguel Carles-Tolra, this fly is probably, from its geografical distribution, A. sybarita, new for Spain, knowed only from Italy and Russia...