Posted by
kitenet on 04-11-2006 22:42
E. luniger was still active in my garden (Buckinghamshire, central England) on 1 and 2 November, didn't get a chance to look for it today. Also Myathropa florea on 1 November, latest I've ever seen that.
Hello, Martin!
haematocephalus wrote:
E. luniger was still active in my garden (Buckinghamshire, central England) on 1 and 2 November, didn't get a chance to look for it today. Also Myathropa florea on 1 November, latest I've ever seen that.
Myathropa florea was numerous in late summer here, but I haven't seen it for many weeks. Some days ago there were hundreds of
Episyrphus balteatus and
Eupeodes here (also some
Eristalis and
Sphaerophoria) - but that was just
before the cold snap with day temperatures between 0 and 4 ?C...