Thread subject: :: a syrphid from the Dordogne
This year we spend some weeks in France. Along a creek saw this pretty syrphid. I think I ahve not seen it before, which is not strange, since I hardly pay attention to Syrphidae and certainly not in France.
The photo was taken on 30 May
Do one of you know the species. I guess it will not be difficult for the specialists.
If we would have a picture, maybe!
Temnostoma bombylans, but if it is one of the very closely related ones I am sure that someone will tell you otherwise.
Discaution is here:
Well, I have never seen a Temnostoma in life. I knew the genus only from pictures. When I saw the fly, the first thought was whether this is perhaps a Temnostoma. Thanks Nikita!
Temnostoma in life in Italy last year.At L'Aquila in August (Agosto)
A Genus first for me and a new species for Italy since it wasn't
vespiforme ( No net fast mover so no list addition). This lovely photo is a nice memento
.Thankyou ruud Ciao Robert
In this year I catch in area of Włoszczowa (Poland) Temnostoma vespiforme, T. meridionale, T. apiforme and of course T. bombylans so I have all species living in Poland
.But also in Poland this genus isn't common.