Posted by
clovis on 19-01-2012 17:08
I'm looking for genitalia's illustration of Trichocera european species. But i don't know where to look for it.
I found the references of this
paper that could be interesting.
Does anyone know where i could find :
-DAHL(Ch.), 1966. - Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of Swedish Trichoceridae (Diptera, Nematocera). Opwc. Ent.,31 : 93-118.
- 1976. - Description of three new species of Trichoceridae (Diptera, Nematocera) from Northem Sweden and the Alps. Ent.Scund., 7: 59-65.
- MENDL(H.), 1971. - Trichocera dahlae n.sp. - eine neue Trichoceridae aus dem Allgäu. Nachr. BI. Bay. Ent., 20 : 61-62.
Thanks a lot for your help.
There are some spelling error first is article is in Opuscula entomologica the second in Entomologica scandinavica
if I get your e-mail adress i can send what i find.
good places to search is,
Posted by
clovis on 19-01-2012 20:42
Thanks for your answer
I'll send you my email address in private message.
Your first link seams to be very interesting, thanks.
In the "faune de France" i knew the one on Tipulidae (Pierre) but there is lot of missing species and quality of the drawing and description are not really good. Were you thinking of another faune de France?
Posted by
Andrius on 20-01-2012 09:14
It is a time consuming task to gather all sources, unless you have a good library nearby
Check your private messages.