Thread subject: :: Syrphidae from Crete

Posted by markop on 23-01-2007 13:59

I know the photo doesn't show much detail, but it's the best I could do with my camera.

* locality: the island of Crete, in Greece
* date: 21 January 2007
* size: <10mm
* habitat: garden at the outskirts of the city
* substrate: Osteospermum

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 26-01-2007 19:14

Hello Markop,
A male in the genus Eupeodes, and when I see the big genital knob at the end of the abdomen I would say Eupeodes corollae!

Posted by markop on 31-01-2007 14:39

Thanks Gerard,
I had a feeling that the "golden" knob would be a giveaway, that's why I posted it despite the lack of detail Smile
Best regards,
Stavros Markopoulos