Thread subject: :: Eristalis arbustorum
Can I have some reassurance please? I am reasonably confident that these two are male and female of
Eristalis arbustorum, but would like someone to confirm it.
From 19 August 2006, east London cemetery park.
Female first.
Female again. Face completely dusted except for tiny dot which I assume is just rubbed. Black tarsi, mid tibia black in apical half. 9mm.
Male. 10mm. Much hairier than female on abdomen.
Posted by
Andre on 10-02-2007 18:18
Sure looks like
arbustorum. But to exclude
can you give us a close look on the antennae of both sexes and the upper side of the head of the male?
OK will do - what are we looking for?
Another close up of female.
And another close up of the female
And a close up of the male
Another close up of the male
And another close up of the male
This is a different female, collected a month earlier on 22 July 2006, in the same east London cemetery park. I see that Stubbs says that the easiest way to distinguish
E arbustorum and
E abusivus is to check that the mid tibia is clearly bicolour (arbustorum) and not entirely pale (abusivus). Is this character reliable?