Thread subject: :: Muscidae

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 20-11-2012 11:37


I am looking for some information on the groups and sub-groups of Helina and Phaonia

Can anyone help with articles or publications?

Thank you

Posted by andrzej grzywacz on 21-11-2012 15:39

What kind of information are you looking for?
If you are interested in species classification and know Danish or German try with Ringdahl (Översikt av de hittills i vårt land funna arterna tillhörande släktena Mydaea R.-D. och Helina. R.-D. (Muscidae), Entomologisk Tidskrift, 1924, 45(2-3): 39-66; Forsok till artgruppering inem slakene Phaonia R.-D.och Helina R. -D. (fam. Muscidae) Entomologisk Tidskrift, 1949, 70:136-146)or Hennig ("Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region: 63 b. Muscidae"Wink respectively. Also Emden's "The fauna of India and the adjacent countries" may be useful. Recently many papers have also been published from China, both descriptiona of species and revisions of groups and sub-groups. In Skidmore's "The biology of the Muscidae of the World" you will find summary of larval morphology and biology. Unfortunately, these are quite largish books.

Edited by andrzej grzywacz on 21-11-2012 15:39

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 21-11-2012 18:25

If Elisabeth reads German, than first of all:
Hennig, W. (1956-65) Muscidae. In: Lindner, E. (Ed.), Die Fliegen der palaearktischen Region, Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.
P.S. If Elisabeth does not read German ... still Hennig...

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 27-11-2012 10:37

Thanks for the replies, I think its the Hennig 1960 paper I need but I don't read German only French, I really only want the groups and sub-groups for the UK. I'll have a look for the Chinese papers, thanks for your helpSmile