Thread subject: :: Eristalinus aeneus (male)
Posted by
eguzki on 18-03-2007 19:50
Location: Hungary
Size: about 1-1,5 cm
Habitat: around the wall of the house
Date: 14-03-07
This fly often appeared on the sunflooded wall in recent days. I have never seen it previously thus I do not know it is a rare or common species. Strangely its "spotted" eyes reminded me to the Tabanidae but those flies are very big, contrast with it which has average size.
Edited by
eguzki on 19-03-2007 16:33
Posted by
eguzki on 18-03-2007 19:50
another view
Posted by
Kahis on 18-03-2007 19:54
Eristalinus (Syrphidae)
Posted by
Xespok on 18-03-2007 20:26
This is a very common syrphid in Hungary. among the 1o most common species I think. But so far no-one could tell me an easy way to id this to species level. This can either be E. aeneus or E. sepulcharis.
E. aeneus: Male eyes not clealry separated. Tergites 2 and 3 completely shiny. Mesonotum with faint greyish striping on anterior half (five strong stripes in Southern Europe, though).
E. sepulchralis: Male eyes clearly separated. Tergites 2 and 3 with dull markings. Mesonotum with five grey stripes.
All from Van Veen's Key to NW European Syrphidae.
Posted by
pierred on 18-03-2007 21:53
Here is what is a
E. sepulchralis male for me:
Cecile B. : France : 17/7/2006 : Tregunc : 29
altitude non renseign?e - taille : 10 mm (estim?)
Posted by
eguzki on 18-03-2007 22:07
In last year someone told me here it is an
Eristalinus sepulchralis. However, it was much smaller than the questionable fly as you can see in comparison with the flower.
Hi All,
The flies of Eguzki are clearly males of
Eristalinus aeneus.
The fly of Pierre is a clear female
E. aeneus.
And the last ojne is indeed a male
E. sepulchralis.
The habitus of both species is entirely different, especially in the males. In
E. sepulchralis the first two tergites are dull in the middle, whereas in
E. aeneus they are all entirely shining.
Posted by
eguzki on 19-03-2007 16:37
Kahis, Xespok, Paul, Pierre, and mainly John
The mystery has been solved, thank you for your comprehensive explanations!!