Thread subject: :: ID help

Posted by walwyn on 02-04-2007 22:10

Can anyone help with this. I tried keying this and sort of got to Pipizella, but that is obviously wrong.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 03-04-2007 07:48

Hello walwyn,
it's Platycheirus species. Look at the fore leg : tibia is broadened and flatened at apex.
Here we get in subfamily Syrphinae because back of head is concave and thus partialy "wrap" (don't know if it is a good translation of my french language Wink ) the anterior part of thorax.


Posted by walwyn on 03-04-2007 12:43

Thank you. Very clear explaination. I'll see if I can get any further with some of the other images I have.