Thread subject: :: Syrphus torvus

Posted by eguzki on 10-04-2007 17:12

Location: Hungary
Habitat: garden
Date: 27-10-06

Xespok told me that it is probably not a Syrphus ribesii because its hind tarsi are not yellow.

Edited by eguzki on 13-04-2007 20:37

Posted by amalia_raluca on 10-04-2007 18:20

It might be Syrphus torvus. Look on the eyes: if they have hairs, than it is indeed torvus; if it is bare - vitripennis

Posted by eguzki on 13-04-2007 20:36

Thank you amalia!


Posted by Dieter on 16-04-2007 00:14

The colour of the hind tarsi is no good character to distinguish between ribesii and torvus. The only reliable charcater for the males is the pilosity on the eyes (torvus hairy, ribesii bare or nearly so). The major difference between torvus + ribesii and vitripennis is that the latter has the 2nd basal wing cell partly bare of microtrichia whereas the others have the wings entirely covered by microtrichia.

Best regards,