Thread subject: :: Eriozona erratica or Syrphus sp.?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 10-04-2007 19:26

Hallo, allerseits!

This not too small Syrphid (12-14 mm) I saw two days ago in our garden (Ostwestfalen/Germany). Because of the behaviour ("erratically" flying around near the ground, hardly ever sitting down) and broad shape and narrow abdomen bands I thought of a female Eriozona erratica, but was told it is more likely a Syrphus (which were also around at the same time, but to my opinion smaller and more slender). What is it? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-04-2007 19:28

With the dull appearance of the mesonotum I'd go for Syrphus.

Posted by Juergen Peters on 10-04-2007 19:37

Paul Beuk wrote:
With the dull appearance of the mesonotum I'd go for Syrphus.

Many thanks, Paul! You're faster than I can post Wink.

Posted by Dieter on 16-04-2007 00:28

M. erraticus has a much more strongly bent vein R4+5 and can be excluded by this charcter. As the hairy are hairy it should be Syrphus torvus.

Best regards,