Thread subject: :: merodon?

Posted by Toby on 17-04-2007 09:25

dont know if you can tell from this angle

Richmond, last May

Posted by John Smit on 17-04-2007 09:33

Merodon aeneus, male.
Photgraphed in the UK????


Posted by Toby on 17-04-2007 09:39

Yes, wouldn't it have to be equestris? I have no record of aeneus.

Posted by Dieter on 17-04-2007 11:40

This is a quite normal specimen of equestris (Merodon flavus, however, is indistinguishable from the characters visible from this image but is unknown from the British Isles). M. aeneus differs in the shape of the 3rd antennal segment, the hairs on the thoracic pleura are of the same colour as those on the scutum, the tibiae are yellow basally, and the hind tibia has a different shape. Sorry, no new species for GB.


Posted by John Smit on 17-04-2007 13:12

Nope, sorry it looked too red for me to be Merodon equestris flavus. And I was not sure it was photographed in the UK, in South or East Europe M. aeneus is quite common.
But I do agree with Dieter.
