Thread subject: :: Fly from Hong Kong: Microdontinae?
Found yesterday near a fish pond. Size is big (around 2cm).
Is it a Microdontinae hover fly? Thanks.
Hey Kelvin,
Indeed a Microdontine hoverfly, maybe Menno Reemer can tell a bit more. Even better if you would have caught it, we could be sure in the end...
It was too far away to be reached before it flew away...
Interesting! This seems to be a female
Metadon achterbergi, a species recently described from Vietnam (so, not too far from Hong Kong). Judge for yourself by comparing the photos (p. 171) and description and diagnosis (p. 109) in the following paper (open access):
Very amazing species !
In France we have not so much species of this sub-family... and I have difficulties to find some specimens (I have only 1 specimen in my collection !).
Do you know how to find easier Microdontinae in France (biotopes, etc...) ?
Found by my friend yesterday. Is it also
Metadon achterbergi?