Thread subject: :: Paragus bicolor group
* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2007.04.18
* size - 5-6 mm (medium fly)
* habitat - openland
* substrate - flower
I think the insect below the syrphid could be Thrips sp. ?
post scriptum - i know. And I laughed a lot when I saw this photo.
EDIT ---> Title changed from "new syrphid for me..." to "Paragus bicolor group"
thanks! Paragus bicolor?
Posted by
Dieter on 20-04-2007 08:52
Paragus bicolor group. There are several very similar species (bicolor, romanicus, and still unnamed spp.) in the Mediterranean that are not covered well in the literature and are identifiable by the male genitalia only.
Posted by
Xespok on 20-04-2007 11:29
The smaller creature is indeed a Thysanoptera, but I do not think anyone would hazard to put a genus name on it.
ok. so Paragus bicolor group is very good to know just seeing the photo. Thanks!
About Thysanoptera, I just realized it when I saw the photo here in diptera forum!
so Paragus bicolor group + Thysanoptera + Taraxacum cf officinale (?)
This ain't Taraxacum. Maybe Tussilago farfara???
- edit: no, not Tussilago!
[hastlythinkingabouttopic ...]...ehm ... pretty fly, by the way ...
cheers - martin