This could be diptera/tanypodinae/Monopelopia larvae
The organism seems to be very simiar to Schineriella schineri but its ligula is different
(ligula's teeth are no same length and in a slight V-shape disitributed)
In my opinion Pentaneurini is the highest level. The brown second antennal segment rules out many genera, but to be sure you need to study several to all anal claws, and in your video I can see only 1. This anal claw with some secondary teeth is present in some genera and not exclusive for Schineriella. If there are 3-4 claws with comb-like anal claws (many secondary teeth) it is most likely Xenopelopia; if 1-2 anal claws are strongly curved and do have 1 large secondary tooth then it is something like Schineriella or Zavrelimyia. If there is 1 brown anal claw with only 2 smaller secondary teeth then most likely Monopelopia.
If it was caught in my country (The Netherlands) I wouldn't even hesitate to call this Monopelopia tenuicalcar, but I'm not familiar with the fauna in your country. With the best of my knowledge and using the book Chironomidae of the Holarctic region (Anderson, Cranston et Epler, 2013) I guess that Monopelopia spec. is safe. In the Nearctic there are supposed to be 5 species of Monopelopia (boliekae, caraguata, gesta, tenuicalcar, tillandsia) and according to the latter book M. minuta, caraguata and an undescribed species are known from Brazil