Thread subject: :: Syrphid

Posted by ChrisR on 01-05-2007 20:30

Photographed this a week or so ago in southern England - but which species? Syrphus vitripennis? Smile

Edited by ChrisR on 02-05-2007 08:30

Posted by jokin on 02-05-2007 15:52

Syrphus ribesii????
look here:

Posted by ChasMacey on 03-05-2007 15:17

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately we can't see the hind femur which I believe is the distinguishing feature between female S.ribesii mainly yellow and S. vitripennis black.

regards Chas

Posted by ChrisR on 03-05-2007 20:35

Hi Chas

Yes, it's a pity that part is obscured - I was just hoping someone might know another way to ID them Wink

Chris R.

Posted by Susan R Walter on 03-05-2007 21:27


S ribesii is usually bigger than S vitripennis, but you probably know that already too. My impression is that S vitripennis is somewhat more common, has hind legs that are generally darker in the tarsi and tibia as well as having the dark part to the femor, and the antennae are slightly darker. Some of the older literature talks about ribesii having a dull thorax and vitripennis being shiny I believe. But it still isn't enough to give you a definite ID.

Edited by Susan R Walter on 03-05-2007 21:50