Thread subject: :: Chrysogaster basalis or coemiteriorum
I think this nice fly could be a male of Chrysogaster solstitialis: scutellum almost bare, thoracic dorsum with short hairs, purple black and red eyes (Van Veen keys). Is it right? Can be confirmed with this picture? Thanks so much for your help.
The base of the wings is yellowish...
Yes, Mark, thanks... So, it's not C. solstitialis.
Using the key, you will quickly find its name now.
Well... C. basalis then (?)...
In the keys it's described as a Central European species and the picture is from Granada (S Spain). I had rejected it for that reason, but certainly it has been described previously in the Iberian peninsula (
Anyhow, thank you very much for the magnificent book (I've it) and for the help in the identification.
Chrysogaster coemiteriorum. Both this species and C. basalis occur in Spain. C. Coemiteriorum is the larger of the two, but estimating size from a photo is tricky.