Thread subject: :: question

Posted by amalia_raluca on 04-05-2007 21:17

Does somebody have any information concerning the Caliprobola speciosa' s larvae? does it lives somewhere else than in decaying beech wood?
I found it in a place were there isn't Fagus, not even an exemplar.

And another question: about the Malaise trap. I want to make it by myself, but I need a sketch. can you help me?

Thank you,

Posted by Tony Irwin on 05-05-2007 19:06

Can't comment on Calliprobola, but for the Malaise trap, see :
http://www.dipter...ad_id=3127 Good luck with the making - they're not easy, but they are great for catching lots of good flies!

Posted by amalia_raluca on 05-05-2007 19:08

Thank you Tony. I hope that I will make it.Smile

Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 06-05-2007 10:47

In Central Poland Caliprobola speciosa's larvae lives in Tilio ? Carpinetum abietetosum. Probably on Abies alba.

Posted by amalia_raluca on 06-05-2007 10:53

I catch it (the adult) in a place with a lot of Salix alba, Salix cinerea, Populus sp..
There is some marshes right there, the place been known by The Marshes from Satchinez - a reserve near Timisoara, in the West of Romania.
Thank you for your information

Best wishes,

Edited by amalia_raluca on 06-05-2007 14:28