Hello Piet,
Piet Nord wrote:
Pipizella, in a garden of NW Germany it is surely P. varipes.
ah, nice, a new one for me.
Thank you very much!
Addition: I have just found on faunaeur.org, that the current name is
Pipizella viduata.
Sorry for my error. I should have known it better. Sometimes I dig out the old names which I learned first.
It might be the corresponding female. Unfortunately the quality of this and other of your picture making it quite difficult to identify characters or finally the species.
Best regards
Hello Piet,
Piet Nord wrote:
Sorry for my error. I should have known it better. Sometimes I dig out the old names which I learned first.
no problem, same for me here.
It might be the corresponding female. Unfortunately the quality of this and other of your picture making it quite difficult to identify characters or finally the species.
Thanks! I know the problem. My camera is old, and I am a total photo laymen (even more than with insects
), photographing freehanded. And if there is wind or my hands are shaking (like often...), then it is not possible for me to get sharp pictures in focus
. Sorry, I (and you) have to live with it...