Thread subject: :: which Chrystoxum?
Please, help me. Normaly I would try to decide between verrali, elegans and octomaculatum, but antennae seem to have the 3rd segment rather long. Can it be cautum? Pattern on abdomen seems to be strange for me, abdomen is also not very hairy.
Slovakia, Banská Bystrica, 350 m a.s.l., 29. aug. 2013
A detail of the same specimen
I would say elegans male...
Thank you. But, can be the antennae so varibale in this species?
Ah sorry, my mistake. I mixed the names up. This is the male of Chrysotoxum intermedium, in that species the third antenna segment is indeed as long or longer as segments 1 and 2 together!
Thank you very much. I am starting to orient myself in the number of numerous pictures from this location.
And, what do you think about lessonae (M.P.Vien 4.b. Tergite 2: spots triangular, increasing in width to cover almost the entire length of the side margin, margin itself black in front, yellow in hind part -> Chrysotoxum lessonae)? Is this accepted species? And could it appear like this specimen?