Thread subject: :: Eumerus/Heringia/other?

Posted by LordV on 23-05-2007 07:07

Thought these small hovers were lesser bulb flies- Eumerus sp. but someone suggested they might be Heringia sp.
Taken Yesterday South Coast UK, about 7mm body length.
Brian V.

Posted by amalia_raluca on 23-05-2007 07:24

my opinion: Eumerus sp.

Posted by LordV on 23-05-2007 07:46

Thanks amalia - this was the pic actually ID'd as Heringia- looks the same species to me
Brian V.

Posted by Kahis on 23-05-2007 07:55

Definitely not the same. Look at the antennae!

Posted by LordV on 23-05-2007 08:11

Ah- my limited powers of observation strike again Sad
You are right Kahis
Brian V.