I' have been a little bit blocked within the determination of this chironomidae/orthocladinae larvae
As the "teeth" match with other features of Cricotopus mentum: 1 middle tooth, 6 lateral teeth
I thought it could be Cricotopus sylvesris or Cricotopus ornatus
This organism has long setae on each segment of the abdomen and perhaps this could help in the determination ?
YouTube Video
I will be happy to receivr more infos regardinc Cricotopus larvae determination
SOlito de SOlis
Hello Solito
the fact that is has lateral brushes of hairs at the end of each abdominal segment (L4) is typical for Cricotopus spec. Identification to species level is still very difficult. There are species with short L4 and with long L4. Also the shape of the mentum (second lateral tooth merged with first lateral or not), shape of epipharynx comb and mandible are all diagnostic features. It also seems that the first antennal segment is a bit short. Nevertheless, it is save to keep this at genuslevel as there are many species, many of them still to be described in the larval stage. If you're interested in a larval key for the Dutch fauna, I can help you, but from your country? I think your larva is close to sylvestris and even in The Netherlands we name this sylvestris group, but there are some minor differences.