Hey Heteropteran,
This is a fly which belongs to the Syrphidae, it is
Episyrphus balteatus the only species of this genus and it is very good charackterised by the two black stripes on each tergit with one often mustache shaped (T3,T4).
hubert von der Weide wrote:
Hey Heteropteran,
This is a fly which belongs to the Syrphidae, it is Episyrphus balteatus the only species of this genus and it is very good charackterised by the two black stripes on each tergit with one often mustache shaped (T3,T4).
NO, take care. There are other species of
This one is a
female, and has its place in Syrphinae sub-family --> so its larvae are "aphidiphagous" (aphids' eaters)