Dear SDS
The pupa of Chironomus are very difficult to identify to species level, even under a microscope. So, if this turns out to be Chironomus, of which I'm not sure, then ID to species level is almost impossible so keep it Chironomus spec. These types of hairy thoracic spiracles are not typical for a genus, but for many genera within the tribe Chironomini.
Thanks a lot, Y will be carefull
As the pupa is always connected with the larva exuvie, I would have to look at the mentum of its cephalic part, and perhaps with alive larvae living in the sample sample with same features
I hope to check it for the best
After a certain time used to prospect the documentation about
I 'm now convinced that's very difficult to reach my intention: determinate with physical features the right name of this Chironomus pupa
A certain amount of details do match with
Chironomus pupa, but when I consider more seriously the remnants of the larva, which is still attached by exuvie ... this leads to questions and very difficult comparisons that do not offer of a final solution.
Example: the larva
Chironomus santicarolli could be similar in various details relating to the larva/pupa .. but
Chironmus santicarolli lives in Brazil!
What comes closest to
Chironomus plumosus, described here with this reference
(from http://genetics.unimelb.edu.au/Martin/NACytfiles/NAChiron.html )
which could be acceptable.
However, when in doubt, I must content myself with the name
Chironomus spec, as suggested Atylotus, whom I thank.
Here are a view of the mouthparts of the larva related to this pupa
merci beaucoup
I put 3 larvae related to this sample and as same as the larva linked with this pupa in a little aquarium with a cover and, this is Christmas...
a very nice imago did offer me its design to make pictures of
I suppose it is
Chironomus plumosus cause of general patterns of this species I can recognize...
but I do not know if I have to open a new thread in 'adult section" or may I follow here, with these pictures to share my feeling ?