Thread subject: :: Eupeodes corollae

Posted by crex on 05-06-2007 18:23

Location: Near Stockholm, Sweden
Date: 2007-JUN-02
Habitat: Meadow near wood
Size: -

I think this might be an Eupeodes sp. I didn't get any good sideviews unfortunately, but I have more photos. Mostly from the dorsal side. The legs seems to be mostly yellow. On a really blurry photo it seems that the yellow markings reach the yellow underneath the abdomen. No obvious hairs on the eyes, but I know these can be hard to see ...

Edited by crex on 05-06-2007 20:01

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 05-06-2007 19:18

Hi Crex,
you're right with Eupeodes, and I just add corollae, female.Wink


Posted by crex on 05-06-2007 19:57

Thank you very much Stephane!