Thread subject: :: ID? Edited: added another shot
Posted by
javig on 10-06-2007 23:53
Granada, Southern Spain, June 2007, 1500 m., 25 mm length
Edited by
javig on 11-06-2007 22:46
Posted by
Isidro on 11-06-2007 08:15
Puedes olvidarte de la identificaci?n, los as?lidos ib?ricos casi nunca reciben respuestas
Keep it in English, please.
You can forget about the identification, requests on Iberian asilids almost never receive answers.
Who'll prove Isidro wrong.
Posted by
Isidro on 11-06-2007 14:04
Oh, sorry, as Javig is spanish i put it in spanish.
Nex time I'll put in English.
Posted by
javig on 11-06-2007 17:56
mmm... this has three answers already
Posted by
crex on 11-06-2007 18:28
Here is one more
I wonder why there are so few dipterian experts from mediterranean europe here? Would have been nice to have specialist on the southern fauna
Edited by
crex on 11-06-2007 18:29
crex wrote:
Here is one more
I wonder why there are so few dipterian experts from mediterranean europe here? Would have been nice to have specialist on the southern fauna
there are some very expert Portuguese but in very few families and not so adorable
among dipterans in general: chironomidae (for larval stages!); culicidae (the same, and some imagos..); there are some works concerning Tabanidae and Ceratopogonidae.... in resume: there are no experts in imago ID in Portugal (if they exist, they don?t belong to the universities - I asked to a PhD colleague and she doesn?t know anyone that is expert in dipterans - they like more coleopters or lepidopters..). I am the first, perhaps, to seek for all dipterans families here (there were made only 2 works concerning chekclist for Portugal - one in beginnings of XX century! And the other in 2002... (always by non-Portuguese specialists). In Spain, there is Carles Tolr?, but it seems to be very busy - but not expert in asilidae by sure. Germans usually are very good in asilids.
There must be much more experts in Spain.
For ASILIDAE - Manuel Portillo Rubio - MAIL: portillo (AT) (IN Salamanca! near from here!
) .
Perhaps about 20 specialists in Spain.
Go here: IN ADDRESS query write SPAIN. It will appear about 20 experts
Posted by
javig on 11-06-2007 22:44
I think it's the same species... with prey! Same location and date.
Posted by
Isidro on 11-06-2007 22:56
Certainly it looks the same, or at least very similar.
But I only can identify the prey
(Exosoma lusitanica)