Hi Diptera fellows
I propose some view of Hemerodromiinae larvae, I suppose they are Hemerodroma Meigen ?
These organims were collected alive in the freshwater of a Haute Ardenne belgian fount "La Lienne"
The water was terribly ferruginous and few water fleas that live there were literally covered by a "red orange sticks" (which I think is goethite and limonite).
Hemerodromia larvae (3 mm length) were not covered by these precipitates.
But they have a strange appearance. Is the natural appearance of their skin?
a video clip will follow
merci for the attention
a new larva found in another stream
3mm length
some pictures about
the protuberances visibles on the skin
dorsal view and profile view
setae on the 3 thoracic parts (profile view)
the prolegs hooks when retracted (left proleg)